Capstone Charter School was scheduled to open in 2021; however, due to financial capacity, the governing board relinquished the charter.
The Capstone Charter School application has been approved and is slated to open in Tuscaloosa for the Fall 2021/2022 academic year, serving students in grades K-12. Capstone will strive to instruct learners of all socio-economic backgrounds and needs, and especially to reach the underserved in our community.
Capstone Charter School (CCS) aims to increase the opportunities for at-risk students in Tuscaloosa through a variety of educational opportunities. CCS will implement Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) aimed at improving attendance, test and performance scores, literacy, and even self-image. According to the application report, there is an emphasis on differentiated instruction, competency, cultural inclusiveness and accountability throughout the curricula which is aligned to state standards. Character education, music lessons, sports teams, and after-school programs, which are available to students in 4th grade and older, will enhance the educational program.
The Teacher Council shall develop proposed promotion standards and a student's readiness to progress to the next level of study based on the student’s academic, social, emotional, and physical growth and development. Multi-age groups will allow teachers the flexibility to present lessons over several grade levels within one multi-age group. Students will not be identified by their grade level, but by the multi-age cluster in which they are enrolled.
As part of the 10th-12th grade curriculum, learners will choose a pathway that is suited to their interests and skills - a college prep pathway that includes dual enrollment or a career prep pathway that includes career training and work experience. The school’s graduation requirements include completion of 24 units of high school credit, at least three hours of dual enrollment or Right to Work credit, a Senior Media Project, and at least 40 hours of community service.
Parental and community involvement are priorities at Capstone Charter School as demonstrated by their plan to implement parent conferences and the inclusion of the University of Alabama and at least 21 other potential community partners.
The mission of Capstone Charter School will seek to ensure that each student develops academic competence, responsible character, and social confidence in a safe, caring environment of a strong community.